AmigaActive (1333/2143)

From:Dale Hemenway
Date:19 May 2000 at 02:06:23
Subject:Re: Scanning Colour Slides

Hi Kevin,

On 15-May-00, Kevin Twyman wrote:
> Hello Dale,
> I was trying to think why your name sounded familiar. Of course, it's
> those marvellous animations you've done, and the material you supplied
> for "AnimatED", which impressed me enough to register it, well before
> it went freeware :)

Thanks for those kind comments! Did you also see the version of the 'Lost Cat'
animation I constructed using Scala that appeared on the most recent
AmigaActive CD?
I really must do some more Amiga animations. I now, probably thanks to the
Amiga, work in animation so don't have the enthusiasm for creating stuff in
evenings/weekends too!
BTW, 'The Lost Cat' CD ROM is available from the school I created it with if
anyones interested. Sorry about this plug but I am not making ANY money from
this Amiga CD. I just wanted to see if I could construct the film in Scala to
run, more or less, as the video version. If the school gets an order for a CD
I supply them and they get ALL the money.

> The photo adaptor sits on top of the scanner, with the lid right off,
> and plugs into the back of it. When you scan, it lights up and the
> scanner carriage scans the image pretty much as you surmised.
> Off the top of my head (I have the standard version of the GT-7000
> myself) I can't remember if the light source on the scanner carriage
> is turned off with teh photo adaptor plugged in or not, but if not,
> then perhaps, if you could pick up a feed for the light source, you
> could use it with your scanner.

I suspect that the carriage light source will be turned off while the slide
adaptor hood is in operation. Hmmm, looks like I'm going to have to invest
in an Epson after all. I will investigate further though. Thanks for your
help with the info on this.

All the best,


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